Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Imperfect Prince

Today I woke up and realized that I was that silly girl. The girl who waits up until 3am for him to come home. Up until he actually left for the boys vacay, I had not realized how much of me he holds. I finally admitted to myself that I am terrified and grounded strangely knowing that no matter how strong I feel, I love him and he makes my life that much better. I finally allowed myself to verbalize what I had not allowed my brain to think or my heart to feel, with "Without you this week...", this simple little list brought to my attention the everyday things that I take for granted. There were things as big as telling him that I loved him before going to sleep every night, to not having to sit through UFC or The Discovery Channel every night. Funny how a home because just another house when the person you share it with leaves for just a few days.

Sitting here, only 7 hours after he walked back into the door, I notice how much just knowing that he is home, allows me to breathe a little more easily, and gives me the motivation to be a better person everyday!

I swore I would never be that girl! I promised myself that I would always be able to walk away, draw a line and know that if it had to be done I could and would leave and not look back. Ironically, I also still wanted to wake up and find prince charming waiting to sweep me off my feet and carry me away to happily ever after. I figured out long ago that prince charming is not perfect and the things that you are looking for in your prince are not necessarily what you really need. I have found that the imperfections of my prince are the things I love most. His imperfections are the things that only I see, and better yet make him real, they make him who he is. Apparently in all the fairy tale romances, the author neglects to mention that the princess is shockingly...imperfect as well. This princess actually has to work to maintain and improve her body (a love of sweets=time in the gym), I sometimes say the wrong thing, I forgive too easily and despite years of sports, I still trip over my own feet and run into walls on a regular basis. My prince came to his conclusion long ago, he has accepted that I .may not be perfect, but I make things interesting, I keep him on his toes, and together we have untapped potential to accomplish so much. I have big dreams and I figure out how to make it happen, he worries and questions to make sure that the goal is realistic and obtainable. He makes sure that we have all of the tools we need to build the next stage of our adventure.

I love him! My imperfect prince and my right now is as complete as life will allow, and that is what makes life PERFECT.

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